Intuitive Readings


  • Dream Interpretation

    Are you experiencing a recurring dream?
    Or desire clarity about what your dreams mean. and what messages your Spiritual Team is trying to get to you.

    10 Minute Phone Call

  • Alignment Session

    Mental fog and confusion take over perhaps you are just moving through the motion. This is a great time to listen to messages from your Spiritual Team. Receive guidance to rise above fear and overthinking. Gain clarity and illuminate the messages you need to hear.

    30 Minute Recorded Message

  • Spirit Baby Conversation

    Connect with your Spirit baby. You may already be pregnant or on the path to calling in your Divine Partner or conception and desire guidance to know what adjustments your baby desires in your home, environment or body on your journey.

    30 Minute Recorded Message

When you look for validation from no one, but God your life unfolds beautifully.

We all can connect with God/Source/Universe — It just takes practice silencing ourselves to listen. When we quiet the World around us we can connect to receive infinite wisdom.

What People Are Saying

“Lady friend, the lavender…I have been all about that scent and color for the last month. Lavender drinks, perfumes, and fragrances for the home. Even clothing for me and the girls. So much peace from it. Universe speaking to me and you caught every bit of it.”

— Emory

“This was spot on thank you so much!! Each of those people you called out has been in my dreams lately. Unbelievable how accurate the details were in my messages. Amazing!!”

— Elizabeth

“I have goosebumps receiving all of this. It’s like you just read my life, everything that has been on my heart and mind. Giving me so much clarity. I am absolutely running with this powerful direction. The symbols you shared are exactly what I see when my Dad shows up. What an incredible blessing to get to experience your gifts, you are amazing. I am so grateful!!”

— Annie